Social Media Policy

I.          Purpose
II.         Superseded Policy
III.        Policy
                     A.      Identifying Yourself
                     B.      Sharing Content
                     C.      Knowing Your Network
IV.        Special Considerations
                     A.      Retaining GM Business Records and Social Media Content
                     B.      Personal References on Social Media Sites
                     C.      Responding to Negative Content You May See About GM
                     D.      Internal Social Media
                     E.      Opening Social Media Channels on Behalf GM
                     F.      Conduct Not Prohibited by this Policy
                     G.      Interaction with Collective Bergaining Agreements

I.      Purpose

Social media is constantly changing how we connect with our world. GM recognizes that the internet provides unique opportunities to participate in interactive discussions and share information using a wide variety of channels.  We want to empower employees to participate in sharing a positive vision of the company and building GM’s brands.  However, inappropriate use of social media can pose risks to GM’s confidential and proprietary information, reputation, and brands; expose the company and those posting to potential legal claims; and jeopardize compliance with business and ethical rules and laws.

This policy is intended to provide employees with common sense guidelines and recommendations for using social media responsibly and safely.  To help protect yourself and the company, if you have questions or are unsure whether a post may violate this or other GM policies, please contact

All GM employees have a responsibility to be familiar with and comply with this policy.  This policy supplements and should always be read in conjunction with GM’s Values and Behaviors, Anti-Harassment Policy, and other applicable policies. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination (where applicable, for cause).   Non-GM employees such as consultants, agents, sales representatives, independent contractors, and contract workers (collectively, “GM Representatives”) should refer to GM’s Supplier Code of Conduct  when they act on behalf of GM.

What is “Social Media”?

Social media is broadly defined as any website and/or application that enables users to create, share, and engage with content.

These global and more market-specific platforms, in General Motors’ definition, extend not only to apps like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter, but also to any news, reviews, or other digital platform where users can share and engage with content. This definition also includes internal GM social media platforms, such as Viva Engage (formerly Yammer). 

II.      Superseded Policy

  • LAST UPDATE: April 2024, this policy supersedes and replaces all previous Global Social Media Policies.
  • OWNER: GM Social Media Center of Expertise (GM Social COE)
  • SCOPE: Global
  • APPROVERS:  GM Social Media Center of Expertise (GM Social COE), HR, GML


III.      Policy

A.      Identifiying Yourself

GM is committed to fair and honest advertising.  While we encourage employees to share their excitement about our products and services, we have a natural bias and are not simply consumers. In addition, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission places certain restrictions on endorsements and testimonials by employees about their company’s products and services. 

For these reasons, posting reviews of GM physical or digital products and services on Social Media is not appropriate. 

ACTION: Do not submit consumer reviews for GM products or competitive products (, Edmunds, etc.).

In addition, when talking online about the auto industry or GM, you must disclose that you work for GM in every post.   

ACTION: Include appropriate disclosure of your relationship with GM, such as #IWorkForGM, in all social media posts about GM or the auto industry.

Including the #IWorkForGM or the #IWorkWithGM hashtags in your content is a quick and easy way to provide appropriate disclosure.  Note that even when you disclose your relationship to GM, the other rules and guidance in this policy still apply. Use good judgment about what you post and remember that anything you say can reflect on GM, even if you do include a disclaimer. 

The online disclosure of your connection to GM (such as by use of #IWorkForGM or #IWorkWithGM) are equally important for any agency, vendor, partner, or similar third party who has connections to GM and is discussing GM or the auto industry online.

GM also requires Social Media influencers, creators, and bloggers who may be provided with vehicles; hosted at events; or paid for their services, to disclose any association they have with GM to their audience when posting anything about GM or its products or services.

All Social Media influencers, creators and bloggers MUST comply with all FTC disclosure guidelines (latest guidelines HERE).

ACTION: Any employee who is responsible on behalf of a GM brand for creating content on Social Media must ensure that appropriate guidelines are provided to the influencer, creator or blogger and, at a minimum, this policy is followed. In addition, they must ensure mechanisms are in place to monitor compliance by suppliers, paid influencers, and bloggers.

ACTION: Any GM employee who serves as a paid social media influencer for non-GM entities should review and comply with the disclosure requirements in GM’s Conflict of Interest Policy.

Finally, do not claim or imply that you are speaking on behalf of GM on social media unless specifically required as part of your job duties for GM or approved by GM Communications.  GM has well-established means in place for communicating publicly as a company and only those officially designated by GM have the authority to speak on behalf of the company.    

ACTION: Unless you have received permission from GM Communications, your social posting should always be clear that it is from your perspective and reflects your individual opinion.

Unless pre-approved by GM Communications, you must not use statements like “General Motors believes…”, “Chevrolet is proud…”, etc. If you become aware of something on social media and think that an “official” GM response may be required, contact the GM  Digital Center of Expertise at  If a member of the media reaches out to you for a comment on behalf of GM, please also contact

B.      Sharing Content

When sharing content on Social Media, it is important that you maintain the confidentiality of GM trade secrets and private or confidential information as outlined in GM’s Acceptable Use Guide to Protecting GM Information and Resources.  Trade secrets may include information regarding the development of systems, processes, products, know-how and technology.  Do not post internal reports, policies, procedures or other internal business-related confidential communications or do anything to jeopardize or unwittingly disclose this information though your use of social media.

In some GM facilities and locations, photography is prohibited.  When taking photos in GM locations where photography is permitted, you must be sure not to disclose competitively significant or other confidential information.

ACTION: If you are posting photos, ensure that images or words in the background do not reveal GM Confidential Information – even unintentionally (for example, a team photo with a visible launch calendar in the background). When using GM websites or posting about GM’s products or services, make sure you do not post content without first securing all necessary permissions.

Remember that many of your actions on social media, such as “liking”, “commenting”, and “checking-in” (i.e., establishing a geo location using GPS to place yourself on social networks) may be visible to others in the social media community, including those outside of your immediate friend or follower network. Keep in mind that such actions could potentially reveal information that may be intended to give GM a competitive business advantage and could be harmful to the Company if made public.

In addition, be sure your online postings about GM or its products or services are accurate and not misleading, and are reflective of information that has been released publicly by GM.  Always strive to be accurate in your communications about the Company and its products and services, and remember that your statements have the potential to result in liability for you or the Company.  Do not spread or contribute to speculation about future GM product or announcements.

ACTION: You are personally responsible for your words and actions, so use good judgment.

ACTION: Use GM’s special functionality on the home page of Socrates to create shareable social media posts that are approved for distribution to your friends and connections.

ACTION: Keep in mind that representatives from GM Communications and GM Legal are available to assist with any questions; but if you are unsure whether the information in your post falls into one of the above categories and would violate this policy, DO NOT SHARE.

C.      Knowing Your Network

Be mindful that what you say in your personal Social Media channels can negatively impact the work environment or GM’s business interests.  Be fair and courteous to coworkers, customers, suppliers or others who work on behalf of GM.  Avoid using statements, photographs, video or audio that reasonably could be viewed as malicious, obscene, threatening or intimidating; that disparage coworkers, customers, or suppliers; or that might constitute harassment or bullying.  Examples of such conduct might include offensive posts meant to intentionally harm someone’s reputation or posts that could contribute to a hostile work environment on the basis of race, gender, disability, religion or any other status protected by law or company policy.    

Social media should never be used in a way that violates any other GM policies, including GM’s Code of Conduct, Winning With Integrity, Anti-Harassment or other applicable policies.  If your social media activity would violate any of GM’s policies in another forum, it may also violate them in an online forum.  Policy violations will not be excused merely because they occurred outside of work hours or away from GM premises. Remember that customers, colleagues, supervisors, suppliers, competitors, and other members of the public may have access to your posts.

ACTION: Consider the implications of connecting with your coworkers and others from your professional life on social media and approach those choices with care. It’s your choice how much you want to combine your personal and professional online lives.

IV.     Special Considerations

A.     Retaining GM Business Records and Social Media Content

Social Media technologies are not currently designed to reasonably or practically create, retain or dispose of GM business records sufficiently for purposes of the Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) Policy and GM Record Retention Schedule (GMRRS).

ACTION: Unless (i) you are using GM’s internal social media platform, Viva Engage, or (ii) you are acting on GM’s behalf as an authorized Social Media user (i.e., running the Chevrolet Facebook page), you must not use Social Media to conduct GM business.

ACTION: You must not post any message or communicate with anyone through Social Media about a subject that is covered by a litigation or open tax year hold.

  • Be aware that information discussed using Social Media technologies may become relevant to litigation or other investigation proceedings and may be subject to a Litigation Hold.
  • Litigation Holds are instructions issued by GM Legal Staff that require records be preserved for litigation and government investigations. If the content of a Social Media communication is relevant to a Litigation Hold, regardless of whether it is a business record or non-business record, that communication must be preserved until the hold is lifted.

B.     Personal References on Social Media Sites

GM recognizes that employees who have left or will be leaving employment with GM on good terms may want to obtain an employment reference from GM intended to enhance their ability to secure subsequent employment. From time to time, an employee may be asked to provide informal feedback for a current or former employee (e.g., a LinkedIn recommendation). Such feedback may only be provided in a personal capacity and the content should be consistent with the guidance set out in your country-specific policy.

ACTION: GM’s policies about providing professional references for current or former GM employees, contract workers, and consultants vary based on the laws and regulations of each country. Please consult your country-specific policies for guidance.

C.     Responding to Negative Content You May See about GM

General Motors recognizes that our employees are vital assets for monitoring the Social Media landscape. You may encounter consumer complaints about specific vehicles or specific issues while online.

ACTION: To ensure issues about specific vehicles can be properly tracked and reported, speak up for safety and think customer by bringing these issues to the attention of the Social Media Care Team at (non-U.S. issues will be forwarded to local teams).

  • If special access is required to view the content (Facebook Groups, etc.) you may also publicly refer customers to the email, while disclosing that you work for GM. Do not try and resolve vehicle problems yourself online.

D.     Internal Social Media

GM has made internal social media networks, such as Yammer, available for employees to share workplace information within GM. Internal collaboration tools and sites are valuable resources for conducting company business and helping employees share,  engage and collaborate with colleagues. This information is NOT to be shared externally on your own personal social media channels or to media outlets. You can find pre-approved material to share on your personal channels on Socrates in the Social Media Hub under the “Company” tab.  

While we recognize that there may be some uses of GM’s internal social media networks that are not entirely related to GM business, (e.g., Belle Isle Cycling Club), non-business uses should be limited and you should always keep GM’s Purpose and Values in mind when using GM’s social media networks.

Viva Engage Administrators reserve the right to delete or remove content they deem inappropriate according to GM’s Code of Conduct or other Company policies.

ACTION:  If you are concerned that posted content is not consistent with GM’s policies, you can click on the post to report the conversation. You may also report your concerns through Awareline.

Remember, just as with external social media, use good judgment. Online activities may impact an employee’s reputation, image and the ability to effectively interact with coworkers and business partners.

E.      Opening Social Media Channels on Behalf of GM

You should never open social media channels on behalf of any GM entity without approval from the GM Social Media Center of Expertise.

The GM Social COE approves requests to open new General Motors social media channels and can provide the proper resources needed to ensure the potential new channel’s success.  Note that GM owns all social media accounts used on its behalf, including any and all log-in information, passwords and content associated with each account, such as followers and contacts.  

ACTION:  You should not open social channels, communities, hubs or other social media groups that represent or are branded as General Motors or any of its brands, products, or affiliates without first contacting the Social COE. Please contact the GM COE at for additional information.

F.         Conduct Not Prohibited by this Policy

This policy is not intended, and will not be administered, to prohibit communications or actions that are protected or required by local law.  GM’s Social Media Policy will be administered in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations (including, in the U.S., Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act).  For employees and representatives outside the U.S., this policy is subject to the applicable laws in the countries in which it is administered.  For more information, contact your local GM Legal representatives.

G. Interaction with Collective Bargaining Agreements

The terms of this policy work in conjunction with, and do not replace or amend any terms or conditions of employment stated in any collective bargaining agreement that a union has with GM.  Wherever employment terms in this policy differ from the terms expressed in the applicable collective bargaining agreement with GM, employees should refer to the specific terms of the collective bargaining agreement, which control.